Danske Invest SICAV Global Index SA


Danske Invest Europe Small Cap - Futur Pension

Få al information om Danske Invest Europe Small Cap A: Beholdning, udvikling, risiko og rating, Sammenlign over 1200 fonde hos Nordnet. Bliv kunde og handl i dag. Fund price for Danske Invest SICAV - Europe Small Cap WA along with Morningstar ratings & research, long term fund performance and charts Even though the aim has been to give reliable information, Danske Bank A/S, Danske Invest Fund Management Ltd and Danske Invest Management A/S guarantees neither the completeness nor correctness of the information contained in the danskeinvest.fi Service nor shall be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information contained therein. Danske Invest (other funds) Prices & returns. Price development (NAV) Return analysis; Risk analysis; Dividends; Holdings.

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Danske Invest Europe Small Cap - The objective of this fund is to achieve above-market performance. The share class is accumulating. The fund invests mainly in small and midcapitalisation equities from Europe (not including Russia). To a small extent, the fund may invest in equities from countries bordering Europe. The fund may invest in countries considered as emerging markets.The fund Investeringsmålsætning: Danske Invest Europa Small Cap KL DKK d | DKIEUSC: Målet er at skabe et afkast, der mindst svarer til afkastet på aktier fra mindre og mellemstore europæiske selskaber.

Benchmark MSCI Europe Small Cap Index (net dividends reinvested) Website www.danskeinvest.lu Fund domicile Luxembourg Currency SEK Total assets, mill., 09.04.2021, SEK 2,563.9 Net asset value (NAV), 09.04.2021 188.980 This material has been prepared by Danske Invest, a division of Danske Bank A/S, for information purposes only. Benchmark MSCI Europe Small Cap Index (net dividends reinvested) Website www.danskeinvest.lu Fund domicile Luxembourg Currency NOK Total assets, mill., 26.02.2021, NOK 234.5 Net asset value (NAV), 19.01.2021 184.790 This material has been prepared by Danske Invest, a division of Danske Bank A/S, for information purposes only. Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A LU0123485178 Factsheet | 3 April, 2021 Marketing material Objectives and investment policy Objectives The objective of this fund is to achieve above-market performance.

0P00000K7S fond Danske Invest Sicav - Europe Small Cap

Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A LU0123485178 Factsheet | 20 March, 2021 Marketing material Objectives and investment policy Objectives The objective of this fund is to achieve above-market performance. The share class is accumulating. Investment policy The fund invests mainly in small and midcapitalisation equities from Europe (not Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A LU0123485178 Factsheet | 30 March, 2021 Marketing material Objectives and investment policy Objectives The objective of this fund is to achieve above-market performance.

Danske Invest Europe DKIEUSC - Teknisk analys

Cap. Fondspreis für Danske Invest SICAV - Europe Small Cap A zusammen mit Morningstar Ratings und Research, Fondsperformance und Charts. The iShares MSCI Europe Small-Cap ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of small-capitalization developed market equities in  Asset Class Equities; Geographical zone Europe; Minimum recommended investment period 5 Years; Investment Manager Amundi Luxembourg SA; Custodian  The EURO STOXX® index is a subset of the STOXX® Europe 600 index comprising only companies from countries in the Eurozone. Small caps are determined as  1 dag siden At få udbetalt dit udbytte, men i stedet vil. forventes Danske Invest Europa Small Cap at Afdelingen investerer i mindre europæiske  Europe Small Cap Fund G The assets are invested in publicly traded equities and equity-linked securities of European small and medium-sized companies. Mar 31, 2021 MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. With over 45 years of expertise in  Fonden investerar främst i små och medelstora aktier i Europa (exklusive Ryssland).

Danske invest europe small cap a

The fund  Danske Invest SICAV Europe. Small Cap Class A (SEK). Senast uppdaterad: 2020-01-20.
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Danske Bank Asset Management is Danske Invest’s main investment manager. Danske Bank Asset Management focuses its resources on selected core investment areas.

Fondskurser for Danske Invest Europe Small Cap AKK KL DKK sammen med Morningstar ratings og analyser, historisk afkast og grafer. Danske Invest Europe Small Cap Fund G FI0008802962 Factsheet | 23 March, 2021 Marketing material Objectives and investment policy Objectives The target of investment activities is to achieve long-term value increase on the invested assets through active asset management pursuant to the Act on Common Funds and the fund's regulations. Investment Information about Danske Bank's processing of personal data.
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Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A-sek - Facts

Danske Invest SICAV. Europe Small Cap Class A (Målt i NOK) LU0123485178: Aksjefond, Europa: 6: 3: 9000000000046039 + 46,04 %: 0000000000000002 1,90%: Danske Invest Danske Bank Asset Management er hovedrådgiver for Danske Invest. I sin rådgivning fokuserer Danske Bank Asset Management sine ressourcer på udvalgte kerneområder. Disse områder omfatter nordiske aktier, europæiske aktier, øst-europæiske aktier, globale aktier, nordiske obligationer, europæiske virksomhedsobligationer, globale indeksobligationer, obligationer i nye markeder samt Fondskurser for Danske Invest Europe Small Cap AKK KL DKK sammen med Morningstar ratings og analyser, historisk afkast og grafer. Få al information om Danske Invest Europe Small Cap A: Beholdning, udvikling, risiko og rating, Sammenlign over 1200 fonde hos Nordnet. Bliv kunde og handl i dag. Fund price for Danske Invest SICAV - Europe Small Cap WA along with Morningstar ratings & research, long term fund performance and charts Even though the aim has been to give reliable information, Danske Bank A/S, Danske Invest Fund Management Ltd and Danske Invest Management A/S guarantees neither the completeness nor correctness of the information contained in the danskeinvest.fi Service nor shall be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information contained therein.

Small Caps : Börs och finans

The share class is accumulating. Danske Invest Europe Small Cap A. Översikt Historik Betyg & risk Fondfakta Hållbarhet Kategori: Kurs: Avkastning i år: Risk: Morningstar Rating™ Europafonder: 948,12 SEK: 8,27 %: 6: Jämför Köp Data saknas för att denna fond ska kunna Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A (SEK) Senast uppdaterad: 2020-01-20 Beskrivning Fonden investerar i aktier från mindre och mellanstora företag som hör hemma i, eller vars verksamhet huvudsakligen bedrivs i Europa (exklusive Ryssland) och som är noterade på en officiell fondbörs. Danske Invest SICAV Europe Small Cap Class A LU0123485178 Factsheet | 20 March, 2021 Marketing material Objectives and investment policy Objectives The objective of this fund is to achieve above-market performance. The share class is accumulating.

The share class is accumulating. Investment policy The fund invests mainly in small and midcapitalisation equities from Europe (not Investerer i small cap-aktier samt øvrige aktier noteret på Nasdaq Copenhagen eksklusiv aktier i OMXC20 indekset.